The holiday season can be a beautiful time of familiarity, heartwarming traditions, and making memories with the ones you love. 

But on the flip side, if you’ve lost someone close, undergone a traumatic event, or are in the midst of a major life transition, the holidays can be a very difficult time. 

You may feel anxious, angry, sad, or disconnected from people close to you. You may question what it means to celebrate and be tempted to just close the blinds and stay at home. You might even feel guilty for having any negative emotions around what is supposed to be a time for happiness and cheer. 

The holidays can be a stark reminder of what you don’t have and what you’ve lost. There’s nothing quite as isolating as going through a tough time when you’re bombarded by messages of cheer. 

But like any of life’s challenges, there are ways to navigate the season while nurturing your heart and mind in the process. No matter how you feel during this important time of year, there are steps you can take to not only make it through but maybe even enjoy yourself this year. 

This workbook is composed of 5 simple steps designed to help you navigate the emotional rollercoaster of this time of year and come out on top. You’ll find no judgment, just empathy and journaling prompts that will help you uncover how you can take care of yourself and make the most of this season. 

So let’s get started, shall we?