image with pride colors and heads looking forward with text: LOVE never looks back but keeps going to the end

LOVE never looks back but keeps going to the end

Attributes of LOVE

Today marks the end of the Attributes of LOVE… and as this final Attribute shares, LOVE never looks back but keeps going to the end….

We are all still here, so permission granted for us to keep going.

There have been times in my life where I’ve dwelt in regret and the truth is – we can all feel pretty crappy about ourselves and some of the things we’ve done – how we handled certain situations, choices we’ve made and those we hurt along the way.

That’s natural and we all go through it.  AND. That’s not the end of the story.

LOVE doesn’t mean we’re off the hook.  Instead, it opens the door to new days every day and the option to commit to doing better. 

Self-care and especially Radical Self-Acceptance isn’t a free pass to excuse our past offenses.  It’s a process that allows us to forgive ourselves and others, apologize and make amends where needed and move forward into a new day, moment, and a new chapter as a better version of ourselves.

History is important to me.  I love reading and imagining what it was like at different times through history.  Looking at the past in this context can be insightful and provide guidance for what the future can hold for us.

When I dwell on my past, I can go to some pretty dark places and that aren’t helpful.  I believe that’s what this attribute is referring to when it says LOVE never looks back…

What perspective are you living in today? 

Are you living in hope and looking forward to a bright future?

Are you living in regret and cursing the next day?

Have you forgotten how to dream because life just feels so hard right now?  I get it…

I’ve been there more times than I care to think about. 

Did you know????  You don’t have to stay there.

You don’t!

LOVE never looks back but keeps going to the end…

Wanna connect?  Let’s chat.

Thinking about y’all today…

You are valued…

You are loved…

You are ohh so precious…

And remember

Life’s too short  |  Be kind  |  Do good

Talk soon…

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